Pt. Galva Technologies Tbk (ID)

Galva Technologies is a leading regional partner for electronic products and supplying high-quality products (such as computers, printers, displays, and audio-video equipment) to a diverse portfolio of corporate clients. Our sales, engineering and support teams are well-equipped to provide business solutions to a variety of sectors. Our Distribution arm provides a supportive network that works together with partner brands, dealers, and resellers in every major Indonesian city. Within the Business Solutions unit, we understand that large and complex businesses may struggle with the challenges brought forward by rapid technology changes. Thus, our focus on expertise and engineering to provide customised solutions for every demand. We are handling Samsung Smart Lock Products
Company Name Pt. Galva Technologies Tbk

Company Address Jalan Hayam Wuruk 27 Gambir, Jakarta Pusat 10120, Indonesia

Business Type Buyer




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Import Country South Korea, Singapore

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Main Products PUSH PULL DIGITAL DOOR LOCK, INSTALLATION KIT FOR DOOR LOCK , digital locks for doors ,smart door lock, electronic lock, electronic door locks

HS-CODE 830140

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