Alen Corpration

Alen Corporation is an Austin, Texas-based company founded in 2006. They specialize in manufacturing and distributing air purifiers and air quality solutions designed to improve indoor air quality in homes and workplaces. Alen is known for its True HEPA air purifiers, which capture 99.9% of particulates, including dust, pollen, mold, and other allergens. Their products are highly rated for balancing superior airflow, quiet operation, and value. Alen also offers a lifetime warranty on all their air purifiers, showcasing their commitment to customer satisfaction
Company Name Alen Corpration

Company Address Room 110, Building No. 3, Zhongshan Industrial Design Industrial Park, #64, Shakoudong Rd., Xiaolan Town, Zhongshan, 528415, Guangdong Province,PRC

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Import Country China, Hong Kong

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Main Products air purifier, air filter, AIR FILTER, Agricultural machinery, EFFLUENT SUBMERGIBLE PUMP, HEPA Air Purifiers, Alen Breath Smart

HS-CODE 842139, 842199

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